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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Arkeolog menguak situs terpendam suku Ychsma di Peru

Para arekolog dari Belgian University telah berhasil menguak situs terpendam yang berisi 80 jasad manusia di reruntuhan Pachacamac di Peru. Situs yang jaraknya 32 km dari selatan Lima itu pun kini masih dipertimbangkan untuk dijadikan UNESCO World Heritage.

Situs terpendam yang ditemukan tersebut dibangun sekitar tahun 200 sesudah masehi yang saat itu dikuasai suku Ychsma (baca: eesh-ma). Sampai pada tahun 900, kekuasaan berpindah tangan ke suku Inca hingga pertengahan 1470.

Seperti yang dikutip dari The Daily Telegraph (02/07), sampai saat ini temuan para arkeolog itu menjadi situs terbesar yang pernah dikuak di Pachacamac. Cukup seram namun unik, selain bangunan ada juga 70 tulang manusia yang menggunakan penutup kepala dari kayu dan belasan jasad balita serta bayi yang baru lahir.

Professor Peter Eeckhout dari Université Libre di Brussels yang mengepalai temuan ini percaya bahwa tulang belulang itu adalah kisah suku Inca yang berusaha melakukan perjalanan ke Pachacamac untuk mencari obat-obatan. Ia juga menduga bayi masih termasuk dalam ritual persembahan zaman dahulu.

Karena di dalam situs terpendam itu ditemukan jasad pria maupun wanita, para ahli berharap mereka bisa menemukan fakta dan pengetahuan lebih tentang suku Ychsma.

A ring of a dozen infants around the tomb appear to have been sacrificed for ritual reasons

A ring of a dozen infants around the tomb appear to have been sacrificed for ritual reasons

Belgian archaeologists discovered the find in Pachacamac,¿ ¿about 20 miles south of the capital, Lima

Belgian archaeologists discovered the find in Pachacamac,¿ ¿about 20 miles south of the capital, Lima

Some were men, some were women, and there was a mix of ages. Lying next to them were ceramic vessels, dogs, guinea pigs, and masks of painted wood

Some were men, some were women, and there was a mix of ages. Lying next to them were ceramic vessels, dogs, guinea pigs, and masks of painted wood

The 60-foot-long oval chamber was uncovered by a team of ¿ archaeologists¿ ¿from the Université libre de Bruxelle

The 60-foot-long oval chamber was uncovered by a team of ¿ archaeologists¿ ¿from the Université libre de Bruxelle

Remains: The pit in Peru, where archaeologists discovered the remains of more than 80 men, women, children and infants

Remains: The pit in Peru, where archaeologists discovered the remains of more than 80 men, women, children and infants

The hidden tomb was found buried under the remains at Pachacama - and miraculously had not been looted since the fall of the community more than 500 years ago

The hidden tomb was found buried under the remains at Pachacama - and miraculously had not been looted since the fall of the community more than 500 years ago

The remains
One of the mummified remains found at the tomb

One of the mummified remains found at the tomb

Some of the relics found included ceramic jars and other artifacts dating back to 1000AD

Some of the relics found included ceramic jars and other artifacts dating back to 1000AD

The site has been regularly pillaged over the generations - but this tomb avoided detection

The site has been regularly pillaged over the generations - but this tomb avoided detection

sumber :

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