Thursday, November 1, 2012
upss... PESULAP EDAN !!! atraksi sulap KEPALA nya di LEPAS dari LEHER !!!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
WARNING!] Hati-Hati Kalau Minum Teh di Mall!
Dulu nih, setahu ane, orang bule bahkan punya waktu khusus untuk nge-teh alias tea time. Beda lagi dengan orang Jepang, tradisi minum teh (ocha) di Jepang bisa jadi upacara tersendiri. Selain nikmat dinikmati dalam berbagai suasana, teh biasanya membawa nuansa keakraban bersama keluarga dan teman.
Namun, agan-aganwati perlu hati-hati kalau minum teh di mall. Bisa jadi, ketenangan dan keakraban yang diharapkan malah berubah jadi suasana tak terduga seperti di bawah ini…
CEKIDOT Brooo!!! Awaaas jangan kagett!!!
Malu?? Takut? Bingung atau malah ngacir??
sumber :
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Kalo Ga ngakak bukan manusia...
Pribahasa mengatakan sekencang kencang rusa berlari suatu sa'at kepentok pohon juga
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Anak Orang Kaya Pamer Isi ATM..
Ehh gag sengaja liad video beginian..
Menurut ane ini orang sombong amad gan..
Dari pada ane ngomel sendiri mending langsung ajha deh gan ke TKP.
Langsung ajha gan di buffer dulu videonya..
Cuma 38 detik kok..
Menurut agan gimana prilaku nii orang ???
Haruskah kalau banyak uang kita pamer.pamerin gan ???
Apa maksudnya tuh orang..
Bingun ane gan..
wahai anak muda kejarlah dunia seakan kau akan hidup seribu tahun lamanya.. dan kejarlah akhiratmu (beribadah) seakan kau akan meninggal esok hari.. Hidup itu harus seimbang gan antara nikmat dunia dan akhirat
Friday, August 3, 2012
Animasi Paling Sedih Untuk Ditonton
Friday, July 27, 2012
Bibir wanita ini bikin ane....!!!
To de point aja dah
Ane mau nanya nih, agan kalo punya cewe yang bibir na bisa begini gimana gan...???
Yang gaga kuat buffer pindah ke thread lain aja ya...
Nyesel tanggung sendiri...
gmana gan bibirnnya ??
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
ANAKIN, si KUCING UNYU yang hanya punya DUA KAKI ...
Adorable: The kitten named Anakin was born without a pelvis or his back to legs and a Florida woman has taken him and cared for him after finding him wandering in the woods
Adapting: The kitten, who is thought to be two-to-three months old, plays and scurries around like any other cat his age, but does so by balancing on only two legs and his tail
All clear: His new owner, who calls herself a fantasy cat artist, got him checked out by a vet and posted his X-rays. The top (which gives a side view) and the bottom one (which gives a view from above the cat) show that his internal organs are all working properly
Attention: His new owner says that she is giving the little tyke some solo-attention before introducing him to her old cats and dog
Friday, July 13, 2012
KERANG MISTERIUS MAKAN GAREM DIEM DIEM ... hewan agak gimana gitu ... [VIDEO]
Delicious: An ordinary clam doing what appears to be an extraordinarily strange act has made it a celebrity, as thousands of people have watched the creature lap up a pinch of salt
Mesmerizing: A video of the animal's antics has accrued nearly 200,000 views as people cannot figure out what has caused the clam to season itself
Seasoning: The clam sits on a dinner table with salt scattered around it until a cream, pulpy 'tongue' emerges from its shell, appearing to take a sample of its salty surroundings
Length: The sea creature's 'tongue' slowly creeps out of the shell and taps down on the table, elongating till it is nearly a full body-length away
Hungry: It rescinds, dripping with moisture, before dipping back out for more
Thursday, July 5, 2012
EDAN !! seorang PEMUDA LONCAT dari tower setinggi 120 METER tapi parasut nya GAGAL TERBUKA .... NGERI Bangettt....
Fears realised: As the jumper leaps from the edge of the pylon, little does he know that his chute is about to fail him
Terrifying: Seconds earlier, the young man prepares for the jump by taking off his gloves and peering over the edge into the snow-filled abyss.
Scared: His bare hands shaking in nervous anticipation, a young base jumper prepares to throw himself from the top of a 120-metre power pylon
Leap of faith: As the hapless daredevil shuffles tentatively towards the edge of the platform, the anxiety on his face is clear, even in this grainy handheld footage, filmed by a friend
Survival: Miraculously, the man survived the 120-metre fall
No parachute: He was even able to walk again after three months after fracturing his vertebrae, pelvis and legs.
Icing with death: He hits the ground with a muffled thud and a puff of snow as his friend can only look down from above