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Friday, July 13, 2012

KERANG MISTERIUS MAKAN GAREM DIEM DIEM ... hewan agak gimana gitu ... [VIDEO]


Delicious: An ordinary clam doing what appears to be an extraordinarily strange act has made it a celebrity, as thousands of people have watched the creature lap up a pinch of salt


Mesmerizing: A video of the animal's antics has accrued nearly 200,000 views as people cannot figure out what has caused the clam to season itself


Seasoning: The clam sits on a dinner table with salt scattered around it until a cream, pulpy 'tongue' emerges from its shell, appearing to take a sample of its salty surroundings


Length: The sea creature's 'tongue' slowly creeps out of the shell and taps down on the table, elongating till it is nearly a full body-length away


Hungry: It rescinds, dripping with moisture, before dipping back out for more

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