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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

kasih seorang ibu terhadap balita nya yang tak memiliki DUA BOLA MATA

Kalian gak akan mengerti seberapa besar kasih sayang seorang ibu sebelum ngeliat ini
Perhatian : Video yang berdurasi 7 menit ini akan membuat agan dan aganwati ngeri, tapi selanjutnya agan2 mungkin akan sedih bahkan menangis karena terharu melihat cerita dan video ini

Lacey Buchanan melahirkan anak yang lahir dengan bibir sumbing ditambah lagi dengan kondisi tidak punya mata.

Kondisi ini adalah 1 dari 50 bayi yang lahir didunia.

Video yang menunjukkan kisah cinta seorang ibu dengan cinta yang sederhana yang ditunjukkan di youtube, Lacey membuat sebuah video inspiratif mengungkapkan perjuangan mereka. "Saya tidak berharap untuk menjadi sekuat itu, karena bagi saya itu hanya saya dan anak saya, "kata Lacey dalam MailOnline. "Poin terbesar saya didalam video ini bahwa dia layak hidup, dan dia layak mendapatkan segala sesuatu yang pantas dia dapatkan." tambahnya.

Lacey berharap untuk menginspirasi orangtua lain yang berada dalam situasi di mana mereka mengetahui bahwa anak mereka cacat dan mereka berhadapan dengan pertanyaan apakah layak atau tidak untuk memberikan kehidupan bagi anak yang cacat.

"Dia pun ingin memberi harapan bahwa disaat yang sulit sekalipun, ada saat-saat bahagia juga, dan saat-saat bahagia itu pun bisa jadi lebih besar daripada masa-masa sulit."

Dibalik wajahnya yang tidak sempurna, senyumannya mampu menguatkan hati seorang ibu, dan senyuman diwajahnya memberi inspirasi bagi banyak orang didunia

Inspiring: Lacey Buchanan holds up her one-year-old son Christian in a moving video she has made about the boy, who was born with a severe cleft palate that left him blind

Inspiring: Lacey Buchanan holds up her one-year-old son Christian in a moving video she has made about the boy, who was born with a severe cleft palate that left him blind

Story: Holding Christian's face away from the camera, Lacey recounts her excitement at her pregnancy - and how doctors told her something was wrong with her unborn child

Story: Holding Christian's face away from the camera, Lacey recounts her excitement at her pregnancy - and how doctors told her something was wrong with her unborn child

Memories: In the video, Lacey holds up cards describing the moment she found out her son had a rare condition

Memories: Lacey holds up cards describing the moment she found out her son had a rare condition

Fears: Lacey said she and her husband Chris returned home not knowing how to care for a blind child

Fears: Lacey said she and her husband Chris returned home not knowing how to care for a blind child

Fighter: Lacey holds up a picture of Christian, who underwent his first operation at just four days old

Fighter: Lacey holds up a picture of Christian, who underwent his first operation at just four days old

In love: Lacey, who is a law student, said she could not imagine life without Christian, who is now one year old

In love: Lacey, who is a law student, said she could not imagine life without Christian, who is now one year old

Motherly: Lacey was inspired to make the video after seeing one by a girl who also suffered physical deformities

Motherly: Lacey was inspired to make the video after seeing one by a girl who also suffered deformities

Support: Since uploading the video she has received hundreds of messages from well-wishers, she said

Support: Since uploading the video she has received hundreds of messages from well-wishers, she said

Positive: As Lacey struggled with the comments, it was her son Christian who stood up against them

Positive: As Lacey struggled with the comments, it was her son Christian who stood up against them

Loved: Lacey added that 'anyone who meets Christian falls in love with him pretty quickly'

Loved: Lacey added that 'anyone who meets Christian falls in love with him pretty quickly'

Empty: Brielle Garrison, who was born with no tissue to form eyes because of a rare condition

Empty: Brielle Garrison, who was born with no tissue to form eyes because of a rare condition

Inspiring: Lacey Buchanan holds up her one-year-old son Christian in a moving video she has made about the boy, who was born with a severe cleft palate that left him blind

Inspiring: Lacey Buchanan holds up her one-year-old son Christian in a moving video she has made about the boy, who was born with a severe cleft palate that left him blind

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