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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Marylin Mansfield, Seorang model Yang Merawat 500 Boneka 'HORROR' nya !!!

House of horror: Showing off the blood stained horror toys in her Staten Island apartment, 33-year-old Marilyn Mansfield says she is happiest among her collection of Krypt Kiddies and Living Dead Dolls

House of horror: Showing off the blood stained horror toys in her Staten Island apartment, 33-year-old Marilyn Mansfield says she is happiest among her collection of Krypt Kiddies and Living Dead Dolls

Jika Anda seorang wanita, pasti dulu Anda pernah menyenangi yang namanya boneka. Ya, boneka memang sering menjadi kegemaran bagi seorang wanita. Bahkan beberapa orang sangat terobsesi menjadi seperti boneka. Mereka dengan sengaja mengikuti gaya serta cara berpakaian layaknya seorang boneka.

Marylin Mansfield, Seorang model Yang Merawat 500 Bonekanya Seperti Bayi Sungguhan Salah satu wanita yang juga gemar dengan boneka adalah Marylin Mansfield, Seorang model dengan bentuk tubuh plus (plus Size Model). Wanita asal Staten Island, Amerika Serikat mengaku alasannya menyukai boneka karena Ia senang merawat ketiga anaknya ketika masih bayi.

Namun ketika anaknya semakin tumbuh dan besar, Ia tak dapat lagi merawat mereka layaknya seorang bayi. Marilyn Mansfield dolls Marylin Mansfield, Seorang model Yang Merawat 500 Bonekanya Seperti Bayi Sungguhan Berbeda dengan wanita lain yang hanya mengoleksi boneka, Marylin justru mengasuh boneka-bonekanya bagai manusia sunguhan.

Banya hal unik yang dilakukan Marylin pada boneka-bonekanya, seperti memandikan setiap bonekanya, Ber-shoping bersama boneka, bahkan setiap Ia tidak akan meninggalkan apartemennya jika tidak ada yang menjaga bonekanya. Kini sudah ada sekitar 500 boneka yang Ia koleksi. Boneka-boneka tersebut juga telah mengisi tiga kamar darisebuah apartemen yang dimiliki wanita berusia 33 tahun tersebut. Salah satu keunikan dari koleksi boneka Marylin adalah Ia hanya mengoleksi Realistic dolls.

Horror dolls: Mrs Mansfield said she first fell in love with the idea of horror dolls by watching the infamous 1980's Hollywood slasher movie, Chucky, starring a homicidal doll of the same nameHorror dolls: Mrs Mansfield said she first fell in love with the idea of horror dolls by watching the infamous 1980's Hollywood slasher movie, Chucky, starring a homicidal doll of the same name

Horror dolls: Mrs Mansfield said she first fell in love with the idea of horror dolls by watching the infamous 1980's Hollywood slasher movie, Chucky, starring a homicidal doll of the same name

Life-like dead: The mother of three is so devoted to her dolls that she has turned her hobby into a business, and now creates her own horror dolls, selling them to customers for up to $300Life-like dead: The mother of three is so devoted to her dolls that she has turned her hobby into a business, and now creates her own horror dolls, selling them to customers for up to $300

Life-like dead: The mother of three is so devoted to her dolls that she has turned her hobby into a business, and now creates her own horror dolls, selling them to customers for up to $300

Realistic dolls sendiri adalah boneka-boneka yang sengaja dibuat dengan menyerupai bayi sungguhan ataupun manusia dewasa sungguhan. Marilyn Mansfield dolls5 Marylin Mansfield, Seorang model Yang Merawat 500 Bonekanya Seperti Bayi Sungguhan Bukan hanya boneka yang dikoleksi wanita ini, tapi Ia juga rela menghabiskan ribuan dollarnya untuk mengoleksi baju-baju untuk semua bonekanya.

Baby love: The doll collector is also obsessed with dolls designed to be as close to real babies as possibly - called 'reborners'

Baby love: The doll collector is also obsessed with dolls designed to be as close to real babies as possibly - called 'reborners'

Behind the scenes: Mrs Mansfield, who has featured on the TLC show My Collection Obsession, said that her children are not jealous of the playthings

Behind the scenes: Mrs Mansfield, who has featured on the TLC show My Collection Obsession, said that her children are not jealous of the playthings

Hoarding children: Mrs Mansfield said she has mixed reactions when she takes the dolls out in public and often elicits shocks from strangers who come to coo at one of her 'babies'

Hoarding children: Mrs Mansfield said she has mixed reactions when she takes the dolls out in public and often elicits shocks from strangers who come to coo at one of her 'babies'

sumber :

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