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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Penonton Film Batman Diberondong Tembakan !!

Penonton Film Batman Diberondong Tembakan

Garis polisi telah dipasang di sekitar bioskop di Denver, Colorado, Amerika Serikat (AS). Sementara pelaku penembakan yang diketahui bernama James Holmes (24) berhasil dibekuk. Reuters/Jason Hatfield

Peristiwa tragis mewarnai pemutaran perdana film Batman "The Dark Knight Rises". Seorang pria bermasker yang membawa senjata api menembaki kerumunan orang yang tengah mengantre untuk nonton film itu di sebuah bioskop di Denver, Colorado, Amerika Serikat. Insiden ini menewaskan 14 orang dan melukai puluhan orang lainnya.

Penonton Film Batman Diberondong Tembakan

Profile: James Holmes, left, who allegedly launched an attack on a cinema during a screening of The Dark Knight Rises and claimed to be 'The Joker', played by Heath Ledger (right)

Source: Holmes is believed to have bought guns from this hunting and fishing store in Denver

Source: Holmes is believed to have bought guns from this hunting and fishing store in Denver

Massacre gunman: James Holmes was studying a PhD in neurosicence

'Killer': James Holmes burst into a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado and fired indiscriminately at audience members at the new Batman film

Trail of blood: A line of blood leads from the emergency exit of the cinema, from where James Holmes launched his killing spree, and past the suspect's car

Trail of blood: A line of blood leads from the emergency exit of the cinema, from where James Holmes launched his killing spree, and past the suspect's car

Gruesome: An ATF agent examines the grisly scene left outside the movie theater where Holmes allegedly opened fire on dozens of unarmed spectators

Gruesome: An ATF agent examines the grisly scene left outside the movie theater where Holmes allegedly opened fire on dozens of unarmed spectators

Evidence: Markers outside the cinema sit next to a gas mask believed to be worn by Holmes as he opened fire
ATF agents and police investigate the scene

Arsenal: The gas mask and assault rifle left at the cinema by James Holmes after the shootings

Family home: A woman identified by neighbors as James Holmes' grandmother arrives at his family home in San Diego

Family home: A woman identified by neighbors as James Holmes' grandmother arrives at his family home in San Diego

Discarded: Investigators look over evidence on ground outside the back door of the movie theatre. The gunman had been wearing head-to-toe ballistic gear

Discarded: Investigators look over evidence on ground outside the back door of the movie theatre. The gunman had been wearing head-to-toe ballistic gear

Television news crews set up for their live reports in front of the home of Robert and Arlene Homes, parents of James

Television news crews set up for their live reports in front of the home of Robert and Arlene Homes, parents of James

Marietta Perkins of Denver prays for victims and their families at a memorial near the Aurora Theatre, Colorado

Marietta Perkins of Denver prays for victims and their families at a memorial near the Aurora Theatre, Colorado

A makeshift memorial is shown behind the Century 16 movie theatre where a gunman attacked movie goers during a screening of The Dark Knight Rises

A makeshift memorial is shown behind the Century 16 movie theatre where a gunman attacked movie goers during a screening of The Dark Knight Rises

Someone who has grown up in Aurora leaves a note expressing their sorrow for the victims of the massacre

Someone who has grown up in Aurora leaves a note expressing their sorrow for the victims of the massacre

Marietta Perkins falls to her knees in sorrow and prayer at a vigil across the street form the movie theater, Friday, in Aurora

Marietta Perkins falls to her knees in sorrow and prayer at a vigil across the street form the movie theater, Friday, in Aurora

Vigil: Mourners weep at a prayer meeting outside the massacre site on Friday evening

Vigil: Mourners weep at a prayer meeting outside the massacre site on Friday evening

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