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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rapa das Bestas : Ajang Gulat Manusia VS Kuda Tuai Kecaman

Festival Rapa das Bestas yang digelar tiap tahun di Spanyol menuai kecaman dari aktivis pecinta hewan. Hal itu disebabkan karena festival itu adalah ajang gulat antara manusia melawan ratusan kuda.

Rapa das Bestas yang memiliki arti "tanam binatang," merupakan tradisi yang cukup terkenal di Negeri Matador. Ajang gulat itu sudah ada 400 tahun yang lalu.

Kuda-kuda di festival itu didatangkan dari Pegunungan Galicia, yang terletak di wilayah utara Spanyol. Mereka pun diumbar, setiap peserta gulat itu langsung menerjang kuda-kuda itu dan membantingnya ke tanah. Demikian, seperti diberitakan Daily Mail, Selasa (10/7/2012).

Festival itu dikecam keras oleh aktivis pecinta hewan, namun warga setempat justru mempertahankan tradisi itu. Warga menegaskan bahwa festival itu dapat membantu penyelidikan terhadap kondisi kesehatan hewan, apakah hewan itu sehat, atau sudah terjangkit penyakit.

Untuk menjatuhkan seekor kuda, tiga orang pria (aloitadores) diminta untuk bahu-membahu. Yang pertama harus memegang punggungnya, sementara itu yang lain memegang leher, dan ekor kuda tersebut. Setelah itu, mereka pun harus membanting kuda itu ke tanah.

Festival Rapa das Bestas dimulai pada Sabtu awal Juli lalu dan dimulai pada pukul 07.00 pagi. Para wisatawan juga diperbolehkan untuk menyaksikan gulat itu, namun hanya warga setempat yang diperbolehkan menjadi aloitadores. Usai festival itu digelar, kuda-kuda itu akan digiring kembali ke alamnya di wilayah pegunungan.(AUL)

Aloitadores struggle with a wild horse during the 400-year-old horse festival in Spain called 'Rapa das bestas'

Aloitadores struggle with a wild horse during the 400-year-old horse festival in Spain called 'Rapa das bestas'

The festival sees locals from northern Spain wrestle wild horses to the ground in order to cut their manes

The festival sees locals from northern Spain wrestle wild horses to the ground in order to cut their manes

The aloitadores go in packs of three - one who gets on the horse's back, another who takes hold of the neck, and a third to take the tail

The aloitadores go in packs of three - one who gets on the horse's back, another who takes hold of the neck, and a third to take the tail

As if the process wasn't a difficult enough test of human strength, the horses in 'Rapa das bestas' are wild and untamed

As if the process wasn't a difficult enough test of human strength, the horses in 'Rapa das bestas' are wild and untamed

The three-day festival takes places every July, and dates back more than 400 years

The three-day festival takes places every July, and dates back more than 400 years

Hundreds of wild horses are rounded up from the mountains to be trimmed and marked. Some more successfully than others.

Hundreds of wild horses are rounded up from the mountains to be trimmed and marked. Some more successfully than others.

The dangerous nature of the event is added to as wild horses often turn on each other and attack, with no regard for who is nearby

The dangerous nature of the event is added to as wild horses often turn on each other and attack, with no regard for who is nearby

After the festival is over the wild horses are returned, trimmed and marked, to the mountains to roam free

After the festival is over the wild horses are returned, trimmed and marked, to the mountains to roam free

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