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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Salib Akhiri Drama Penyanderaan Bocah


Filipina – Adegan menegangkan terjadi di sudut kota Manila, ketika seorang pria bernama Reimer Parparan tiba-tiba menyandera dan mengancam membunuh bocah dengan pisau pencacah es.

Daily Mail, Selasa (24/7/2012), melaporkan, sambil terus menyeringai, si penyandera menempelkan pisau itu di leher si bocah. Ancamannya, jika ada orang mendekat, pisau itu mencapap di leher bocah 9 tahun itu. Kedua ia jepitkan pada tubuh si bocah agar tak bergerak.

Namun, datang seorang perempuan pemberani. Ia menghampiri si penyadera membawa salib. Seperti sedang berhadapan dengan vampir, salib itu ia acung-acungkan kepada sang penyandera. Si perempuan, yang diperkirakan ibu bocah tersebut, menenangkannya.

Perempuan itu maju satu langkah dan pada saat yang tepat langsung merangsek meraih tangan si penyandera. Polisi kemudian meringkusnya. Si anak yang disandera tadi, Mark Jason Pineda, dilarikan ke rumah sakit karena luka di lehernya.

Parparan dilaporkan berjalan kaki sejauh 20 km dari Cavite ke Barangay Kristong Hari di Quezon City. Sesampainya di Barangay Kristong Hari, ia tiba-tiab menyandera seorang anak kecil. Panyanderaan itu berlangsung lama mulai dari pukul 11 Jumat malam hingga Sabtu pagi. Tidak dijelaskan alasan dia menyadera bocah tersebut. [tjs]

Desperate: The woman, believed to be the young hostage's mother, can be seen holding a crucifix up to the man holding an ice pick to her son's throat as she begs for his release

Desperate: The woman, believed to be the young hostage's mother, can be seen holding a crucifix up to the man holding an ice pick to her son's throat as she begs for his release

Threat: Parparan appears to tighten his grip on the young boy as the woman moves closer

Threat: Parparan appears to tighten his grip on the young boy as the woman moves closer

Brave: Local news reports claim the woman pictured, understood to be the mother of the young hostage, seized an opportunity to restrain Parparan when he set down his ice pick

Brave: Local news reports claim the woman pictured, understood to be the mother of the young hostage, seized an opportunity to restrain Parparan when he set down his ice pick

Negotiations: A woman reported to be the captured boy's mother is seen alongside police negotiators attempting to defuse the situation in Barangay Kristong Hari

Negotiations: A woman reported to be the captured boy's mother is seen alongside police negotiators attempting to defuse the situation in Barangay Kristong Hari

'Breakdown': The 24-year-old hostage-taker, identified as Reimer Parparan, appears distressed as he holds an ice pick to the neck of nine-year-old Mark Jason Pineda in Quezon City in the Philippines

'Breakdown': The 24-year-old hostage-taker, identified as Reimer Parparan, appears distressed as he holds an ice pick to the neck of nine-year-old Mark Jason Pineda in Quezon City in the Philippines

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