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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Saola Typhoon: Manila as Waterworld

Flooding caused by torrential rain has paralysed parts of the Philippine capital, forcing tens of thousands to flee their homes and closing schools, offices and the stock exchange.

Casualties have been reported, with at least eight people killed in a landslide in Manila and reports of other deaths elsewhere.

Officials said that water was up to waist and neck levels in some areas.

More than 50 people died when Typhoon Saola struck more than a week ago.

Widespread flooding has been reported in the capital and the surrounding provinces, according to a statement from the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council.

It said "the south-west monsoon enhanced by Tropical Storm 'Haikui' located 300km [184 miles] north-east of Taiwan" was expected to bring more rain.

"Expect landslides/flashfloods in mountainous areas and floods in low-lying areas."

Residents are having to wade through deep water in some places to get to safety

President Benigno Aquino met civil defence officials to discuss the situation. "Everybody who is supposed to do something is doing what he is supposed to do," he said.

The severity of the rain since Monday afternoon - in an already saturated city - has led officials to issue the highest level of alert, says the BBC's Kate McGeown in Manila.

For many Manila residents, these rains will be a reminder of the deadly floods caused by Typhoon Ketsana in 2009, which killed more than 400 people, our correspondent adds.


Local media said at least eight members of one family had been killed after a landslide hit shanty houses in Quezon City in Manila.

A local police official was quoted as saying four people had drowned in a province close to Manila, but this has not been confirmed.

Weather officials warn that the floods could get worse as the overflowing La Mesa dam, which holds back Manila's main reservoir, spills more water.

"If we put it in a percentage, at least 50% of Metro Manila is flooded," Jean Navarez, from the state weather service, was quoted by AFP as saying.

Residents living in slums and shanty-towns on low ground have taken shelter in community buildings, reports said.

Several key roads were impassable and power had also been cut in some areas, mostly as a precaution, officials said.

Dams and waterways in affected areas are also being closely monitored. Rescue efforts are now underway to help stranded residents.

"As of now, it's difficult to rescue the trapped residents, as we are battling strong currents with our life crafts," police rescuer Eric Baran told Reuters news agency.

"It's been raining continuously for over 24 hours now,"
resident Justin Robertson told the BBC from Quezon City in Manila.

"We live on a hill and at the bottom of the hill there is a junction which is covered in water. Most offices and schools are closed today and we've decided to remain indoors as the main roads are either flooded or blocked with broken down vehicles."

Sedikitnya sembilan orang dilaporkan tewas sebagai hujan lebat menyebabkan banjir yang melumpuhkan sebagian besar wilayah ibukota Filipina, Manila.

Banjir - leher-dalam di beberapa daerah - memaksa puluhan ribu orang meninggalkan rumah mereka, menutup sekolah, kantor dan bursa.

Sembilan anggota dari satu keluarga tewas setelah tanah longsor menghantam rumah-rumah kumuh di Quezon City, sebuah laporan pemerintah mengatakan.

Lebih dari 50 orang tewas ketika Topan Saola melanda lebih dari seminggu yang lalu.

Banjir besar telah dilaporkan di ibukota dan provinsi sekitarnya, menurut pernyataan dari Pengurangan Risiko Bencana Nasional dan Dewan Manajemen.

Dikatakan "selatan-musim barat ditingkatkan dengan 'Haikui' Badai Tropis terletak 300 km [184 mil] timur laut Taiwan" diharapkan untuk membawa lebih banyak hujan.

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Di tempat kejadian
citra Kate McGeown Kate McGeown BBC News, Jakarta

Yang mengkhawatirkan banyak orang di sini adalah bahwa telah turun hujan secara terus menerus selama lebih dari 24 jam sekarang. Itulah yang menyebabkan seperti banjir buruk setelah Topan Ketsana tahun 2009.

Kali ini, pemerintah lebih siap - puluhan ribu orang telah dievakuasi.

Tapi banyak yang tidak ingin pergi, terutama jika mereka tidak dapat mengambil barang-barang mereka. Saya telah melihat satu keluarga akan berulang kembali ke air banjir untuk menyelamatkan semua yang mereka bisa.

"Mengharapkan tanah longsor dan banjir bandang di daerah pegunungan dan banjir di daerah dataran rendah."

Presiden Benigno Aquino bertemu pejabat pertahanan sipil untuk membahas situasi. "Semua orang yang seharusnya melakukan sesuatu adalah melakukan apa yang seharusnya dilakukan," katanya.

Tingkat keparahan hujan sejak Senin sore - di sebuah kota sudah jenuh - telah menyebabkan pejabat untuk mengeluarkan tingkat tertinggi waspada, kata wartawan BBC Kate McGeown di Manila.


Empat anggota keluarga lain dilarikan ke rumah sakit di tanah longsor yang menewaskan keluarga di Manila Jakarta, menurut dewan bencana pemerintah.

"Di sinilah rumah saya dulu, yang satu ini adalah akhir dari pagar kami," Jessie Bailon, salah satu mereka yang terkena dampak tanah longsor, seperti dikutip oleh kantor berita Associated Press mengatakan.

Lanjutkan membaca cerita utama
"Mulai Penawaran

Ketika saya bangun pagi ini, langit sangat gelap itu tampak seperti senja - ini sudah suatu senja tak berujung. Hujan tidak pernah berhenti, itu hampir memekakkan telinga. "

Sara Suguitan Balanga, Filipina utara

Banjir: saksi mata

Dia mengatakan bahwa istrinya, dua anak dan satu cucu masih hilang.

Penduduk lain mengatakan bahwa "tanah bergetar" dan bahwa dia nyaris sebelum longsor menghantam rumahnya.

Seorang pejabat polisi setempat juga dikutip mengatakan bahwa empat orang tenggelam di provinsi lain, tetapi hal ini belum dikonfirmasi.

Tim penyelamat melintasi air banjir untuk membantu mengevakuasi warga dari Tim penyelamat mereka rumah mencoba untuk membantu warga yang terdampar di daerah banjir

Pejabat cuaca memperingatkan bahwa banjir bisa bertambah buruk sebagai bendungan meluap La Mesa, yang memegang kembali reservoir utama Manila, tumpahan air lebih banyak.

"Jika kita memasukkannya ke dalam persentase, setidaknya 50% dari Jakarta kebanjiran," Jean Navarez, dari layanan cuaca negara, dikutip oleh AFP mengatakan.

Warga yang tinggal di daerah kumuh dan kota-kota kumuh di tanah rendah telah berlindung di gedung-gedung komunitas, laporan mengatakan.

Jalan beberapa kunci tak bisa dilewati dan kekuasaan juga telah dipotong di beberapa daerah, terutama sebagai tindakan pencegahan, kata para pejabat.

Bendungan dan saluran air di daerah yang terkena juga sedang diawasi secara ketat. Upaya penyelamatan sekarang sedang berjalan untuk membantu warga terdampar.

"Sampai sekarang, sangat sulit untuk menyelamatkan warga yang terperangkap, karena kita berjuang melawan arus yang kuat dengan kerajinan hidup kita," kata polisi penyelamat Eric Baran kantor berita Reuters.

"Sudah hujan terus menerus selama lebih dari 24 jam sekarang," kata penduduk Justin Robertson kepada BBC dari Jakarta.

"Kita hidup di atas bukit dan di bagian bawah bukit ada persimpangan yang tertutup air Sebagian besar kantor dan sekolah ditutup hari ini dan. Kami telah memutuskan untuk tetap di dalam ruangan sebagai jalan utama kebanjiran atau diblokir dengan dipecah kendaraan. "

Residents ride a pedicab along a flooded street in Las Pinas, Metro Manila August 7, 2012.
A man crosses deep floodwaters using water containers as floaters in suburban Quezon City, north of Manila, Philippines on Tuesday Aug. 7, 2012.
Residents wade through a flooded road in Las Pinas, Metro Manila August 7, 2012.
Residents stay at a public gymnasium turned evacuation center after the nearby La Mesa Dam in Quezon City reached its flooding level because of heavy rains from Typhoon Saola on August 6, 2012 in Manila, Philippines.
Rescuers maneuver down a flooded street as they evacuate residents in the village of Tumana in suburban Manila on Tuesday, August 7, after torrential rains inundated most of the capital. Authorities have issued a red alert for the metropolitan Manila area. Downpours are expected to continue Wednesday.
Aaron Demesa, an iReporter, took this image Tuesday of the North Luzon Expressway in the Manila village of Balintawak.
A man tries to cross floodwaters by following a robe as other residents wait on their roofs in Manila. At least five people were killed and seven were missing as torrential rains brought the Philippine capital to a standstill, with floodwaters covering half the sprawling city, officials said.
Residents wait for their family members to be rescued at the end of a flooded street in the village of Tumana, a suburb of Manila, Philippines, on Tuesday, August 7.
A resident pushes his bicycle through floodwaters in Quezon City in suburban Manila.

A man clutches a pole in flood waters after a river overflowed following torrential rain in Manila.
A rescuer guides a father carrying his daughter on his back through a strong current.
Motorists and passengers are trapped on the North Luzon Expressway as heavy rains continue Tuesday in Valenzuela City.
Two men hang onto a basketball hoop in deep floodwaters in Manila.
Rescuers dig through the rubble of a landslide caused by flooding as they try to rescue victims in Quezon City in suburban Manila.
Rescue workers prepare to unload residents in the village of Tumana after their homes were flooded.
Residents seek shelter on the roofs of their homes as floodwaters continue to rise in Manila.
Rescuers in rubber boats evacuate residents from their homes in Tumana.

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