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Monday, July 9, 2012

Lil Bub, Kucing Kurcaci imut Ini Memiliki 22 Cakar | foto foto si meong : Lil Bub

Seperti tercantum pada Facebook page-nya, Lil Bub adalah jenis kucing "perma-kitten". Artinya, kucing ini akan selalu memiliki bentuk serupa anak kucing tidak peduli berapapun umurnya.

Kucing ini juga kerdil. Anggota tubuhnya relatif kecil sehingga tampak tidak proporsional bagi penampilan keseluruhan tubuhnya.

"Dia sangat pendek. Kakinya juga pendek dan gemuk. Tubuhnya panjang, aneh, seperti ular. Rahang bagian bawahnya sangat pendek dibanding rahang atasnya. Giginya tidak pernah tumbuh, dia ompong. Ini membuatnya selalu menjulurkan lidah," tertulis dalam laman Facebook-nya.

Bub yang cebol tidak dikembangbiakkan secara sengaja untuk tampil dalam bentuk kecil ini. Menurut laman Facebook-nya, Bub mengalami beberapa mutasi genetik.

Bub punya keanehan lain, dia jarang mengeong. Jika dia melakukannya, suara Bub terdengar aneh.

Kucing betina ini juga memiliki jari kaki tambahan. Total dia memiliki 22 cakar.

Kendati ompong, kucing ini tetap bisa mengunyah makanan kering dan basah tanpa masalah. Nafsu makannya juga baik. Menurut Huffington Post, kucing ini dalam kondisi sehat.

Kendati memiliki kekurangan dalam bentuk tubuh, kucing ini tetap menggemaskan.

"Bersiapkan untuk jatuh cinta ketika melihatnya," tulis Buzzfeed.

Kucing ini lahir pada 21 Juni 2011. Dia berasal dari Bloomington, Indiana, Amerika Serikat. Berbagai barang-barang bergambar wajah Bub dijual oleh toko yang menggunakan namanya.

Bub, who was born with several genetic mutations, will remain looking like a kitten for the rest of her life.

Internet hit: Bub, who was born with several genetic mutations, will remain looking like a kitten for the rest of her life.

Small: Bub, who was born with several genetic mutations, will remain looking like a kitten for the rest of her life
Small: Bub, who was born with several genetic mutations, will remain looking like a kitten for the rest of her life

Small: Bub, who was born with several genetic mutations, will remain looking like a kitten for the rest of her life

Unique: Because of her condition, Bub's limbs are disproportionately small compared to the rest of her long, serpent-like body

Unique: Because of her condition, Bub's limbs are disproportionately small compared to the rest of her long, serpent-like body

Loved: But her owner, who describes her as a 'happy accident', is keen to declare that she was not bred to be a 'perma-kitten'

Loved: But her owner, who describes her as a 'happy accident', is keen to declare that she was not bred to be a 'perma-kitten'

Patriotic: The cute kitten celebrates Independence Day with an American flag

Patriotic: The cute kitten celebrates Independence Day with an American flag

Popular: 'I could seriously cuddle you for hours. No joke,' one internet user posted on Bub's Facebook page

Popular: 'I could seriously cuddle you for hours. No joke,' one internet user posted on Bub's Facebook page

Cute: Her tongue often hangs out as she has no teeth and she was born with extra toes, meaning she has 22 claws

Cute: Her tongue often hangs out as she has no teeth and she was born with extra toes, meaning she has 22 claws

Playful: Bub sits with a toy in her mouth as he stares at the camera with her bulging eyes

Playful: Bub sits with a toy in her mouth as he stares at the camera with her bulging eyes

Normal: Just like other cats Bub likes to chase bugs and is always cleaning her luxurious coat

Normal: Just like other cats Bub likes to chase bugs and is always cleaning her luxurious coat

Is this the cutest cat in the world? Bub the dwarf moggy is an internet hit
Is this the cutest cat in the world? Bub the dwarf moggy is an internet hit

Healthy: ‘Despite her weird looks and numerous ‘deformities’, BUB is a healthy, happy cat,' her owner says

Big appetite: Even though Bub has no teeth, she has a fierce appetite, and can take down half of a bowl of dry food without any problems

Big appetite: Even though Bub has no teeth, she has a fierce appetite, and can take down half of a bowl of dry food without any problems

sumber :

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