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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Narrow House, Rumah Minimalis di Celah Gedung

Bangunan berdesain minimalis beberapa tahun belakangan sangat digemari. Seperti bisa kita lihat pada desain apartemen, gedung perkantoran, sekolah sampai perumahan, turut mengaplikasikan desain ini. Tren yang juga mencirikan gaya hidup modern, kini tak hanya berkembang dalam inovasi eksterior, ranah interior pun tak luput dari demam minimalis.

Rumah berdesain minimalis selain sebagai pembaruan dalam tata bangunan, juga merupakan strategi untuk memanfaatkan lahan yang minim. Di kota – kota besar harga tanah memang sangat mahal, bisa mencapai jutaan rupiah per meter. Maka demikian, sangat jarang dijumpai desain tempat tinggal yang berukuran ratusan meter persegi, terkecuali di desa-desa.

Seorang desainer konstruksi rumah asal Warsaw, Polandia, membuat desain rumah minimalis dengan memanfaatkan lahan yang ekstra minimalis. Bayangkan, pria bernama Jakub Szczesny memanfaatkan celah gedung untuk membangun rumah yang diberi nama “Narrow House”.

Namun bukan berarti sempitnya lahan membuat rumah ini tak memiliki fasilitas apapun, Narrow House dengan panjang kali lebar 72×133 centimeter akan dilengkapi dapur, kamar mandi, ruang kerja dan kamar tidur. Tentu dengan desain yang compact.

Pemasangan kerangka baja telah dilakukan, diprediksi rumah ini akan rampung pada akhir 2012.


The Wedge, Britain's narrowest house This house in Brighton is the thin edge of the wedge when it comes to narrow houses

Thin end of The Wedge: The narrowest house in Britain can be found on the island of Great Cumbrae (left), while the Boyle family rent out a home in Brighton that measures just six feet across (right)

Once finished, this house will be the narrowest in the world, say the designers Once finished, this house will be the narrowest in the world, say the designers

Cramped: British historian Norman Davies turned down the chance to live there, but Israeli writer Etgar Keret has jumped at the chance to squeeze in

The house will slot into a gap between an old tenement and a tower block in Warsaw, PolandWhen it's finished it will be the narrowest house in the world

Thin: The house is being built in an alleyway between two tower blocks and the architects claim that it will be the narrowest house in the world when it's finished

The slender house, which is sandwiched between two unremarkable houses in the middle of a terrace, is 21ft long and 6ft wide

The slender house, which is sandwiched between two unremarkable houses in the middle of a terrace, is 21ft deep and 6ft wide

Iain and Rachel Boyle

A normal-sized staircase takes you up to living area, which is just wide enough for a small-two-seater sofa to fit snugly

Rachel and Charlie in the kitchen of the 6ft-wide terrace home

Slim pickings: A house in Hackney is on sale for £275,000 - three times what it was bought for in February last year

sumber :

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