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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wow, Perdana Menteri Qatar Beli Apartemen Hingga Rp2,35 T

Terungkap sudah misteri di balik siapa yang membeli apartemen mewah (penthouse) termahal di seantero Kota New York, Amerika Serikat (AS). Pembeli rahasia itu adalah Perdana Menteri Qatar Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani.

Seperti dilansir Daily Mail, Selasa (3/7/2012), miliarder kaya raya itu diketahui telah membeli penthouse dua lantai mewah senilai USD100 juta atau hampir Rp940 miliar (Rp9.392 per USD) pada Mei lalu.

Penthouse seluas 10.923 kaki persegi itu termasuk dalam salah satu unit apartemen di gedung One57 New York dan dikenal sebagai penthouse paling mahal yang ada di Big Apple.

Tidak hanya itu, pemilik dua istri dan 15 anak ini pun dikabarkan masih akan menambah koleksi hunian mewahnya, dengan membeli empat apartemen mewah serta kondominium yang ada di sebuah gedung di kawasan eksklusif Midtown.

Total biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk seluruh hunian vertikal yang dikeluarkan Sheikh Hamad bernilai USD250 juta atau sekira Rp2,35 triliun. Fantastis!

Real estate woes: Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani had been hunting for property in New York for the last several months

Real estate woes: Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani had been hunting for property in New York for the last several months


The massive mansion is 45 feet wide and complimented by high ceilings and several balconies

Sprawling: The sheikh paid a whopping $47million for the property, located at 22 East 71st Street in Manhattan

Sprawling: The sheikh paid a whopping $47million for the property, located at 22 East 71st Street in Manhattan

Lavish: A living room in the townhouse comes complete with a dining area

Lavish: A living room in the townhouse comes complete with a dining area

Prime Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani

Buyers and sellers: The townhouse was previously owned by real estate mogul Aby Rosen, pictured left with his wife Samantha Boardman Rosen, and sold to the sheikh, right

In the kitchen: The home has plenty of room for the sheikh, his two wives and 15 children to get something to eat

In the kitchen: The home has plenty of room for the sheikh, his two wives and 15 children to get something to eat

Fun and games: Complete with a ping pong table, this rec room is ideal for entertaining any of the sheikh's guests

Fun and games: Complete with a ping pong table, this rec room is ideal for entertaining any of the sheikh's guests

Sun room

Posh: The house also has an incredible marble staircase and plenty of living space

Loss: The sheik called off a deal to purchase a $100million penthouse in the not-yet-completed One57 building, complete with 10,923 square feet and breathtaking views of the city skyline

Loss: The sheik called off a deal to purchase a $100million penthouse in the not-yet-completed One57 building, complete with 10,923 square feet and breathtaking views of the city skyline

The view: When completed, the towering One57 building will provide unparalleled views of Central Park

The view: When completed, the towering One57 building will provide unparalleled views of Central Park

High above the rest: Residents in the penthouse of the shimmering glass tower will look down on their neighbors

High above the rest: Residents in the penthouse of the shimmering glass tower will look down on their neighbors

sumber :

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