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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Jess, Anjing yang Menyusui Domba

Sebutan anjing sebagai binatang peliharaan yang cerdas mungkin benar adanya. Bagaimana tidak seekor anjing di Devon, Inggris dengan sabar membantu majikannya menyusui bayi domba.

Menurut Orange, Jumat (21/9/2012) seekor anjing jenis springer spaniel membantu majikannya mengembala empat ekor domba.

Tidak hanya menemani domba-domba tersebut bermain, anjing yang diberi nama Jess ini bahkan dengan sabar membantu seekor anak domba minum susu.

Jess tampak menggigit botol susu tersebut sementara si anak domba dengan mudah meminumnya.

Majikan Jess, Louise Moorhouse mengaku bahwa anjing miliknya itu sangat membantu dirinya dalam mengelola peternakan domba. Menurut Louise saat ini terdapat 270 ekor domba yang ada ditempatnya.

"Jess telah melakukan hal tersebut sejak ia masih kecil. Aku mengajarinya bagaimana cara membantu domba untuk minum susu dan Jess juga melakukan banyak hal lainnya," ujar Louise.

"Jess terlihat sangat menggemaskan ketika ia tengah berlari-lari dengan botol susu di mulutnya. Ia juga sering membantuku membawa ember berisi pakan ternak serta berbagai peralatan pertanian bila aku 

Baaaa, how sweet: Jess the sheepdog feeds an orphaned lamb milk from a bottle held in her mouth on a farm in Devon
Baaaa, how sweet: Jess the sheepdog feeds an orphaned lamb milk from a bottle held in her mouth on a farm in Devon

Creature comforts: The 10-year-old Springer Spaniel has been trained from an early age to nurture needy lambs
Creature comforts: The 10-year-old Springer Spaniel has been trained from an early age to nurture needy lambs

Cheers! Shaun the lamb drinks milk with a helping hand from Jess
Cheers! Shaun the lamb drinks milk with a helping hand from Jess

Pet rescue: Owner Louise Moorhouse decided to see if Jess had the patience to feed the lambs with a bottle. And after very little practice, Jess now has a job to put the bottle down
Pet rescue: Owner Louise Moorhouse decided to see if Jess had the patience to feed the lambs with a bottle. And after very little practice, Jess now has a job to put the bottle down
Barking mad: Louise says it's funny when Jess runs across the field gripping the bottle and squirting the milk everywhere
Barking mad: Louise says it's funny when Jess runs across the field gripping the bottle and squirting the milk everywhere

Helping hand: Jess has always wanted to carry things around in her mouth including all sorts of feeding buckets for her flock of sheep
Helping hand: Jess has always wanted to carry things around in her mouth including all sorts of feeding buckets for her flock of sheep

Anything you can do I can chew better: Jess takes great care of Shaun... although there is the odd spillage
Anything you can do I can chew better: Jess takes great care of Shaun... although there is the odd spillage

Fetch! Jess isn't afraid to help out with some lifting and carrying
Fetch! Jess isn't afraid to help out with some lifting and carrying
Milk delivered to your paw: No chore is too much for Jess it seems
Milk delivered to your paw: No chore is too much for Jess it seems

Thirsty work: Jess loves carrying out the chores
Thirsty work: Jess loves carrying out the chores

sumber :

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